So, I'm trying to save and load a cookie that contains a list of product details and then display these product details to the page. However when I run this what I receive a ReferenceError: Can't find variable: GetProductPrice when trying to read the cookies I stored using the GetProductPrice function. The cookie storer runs when the website loads for the first time. It creates a list of products which I later intend to use as part of a shopping cart. It then should save this cookie so that it can be accessed again if the user goes to a different page. This way if the user adds an item to the cart, the carts variables won't be later reset. However as I said before, this doesn't work. The load and save cookie functions are created by someone else on stack overflow and work fine. Here is the code for the cookie saver that should run only the first time the user accesses the site:
from Issue with storing and recalling cookies Javascript
function setUpProducts(){ //in here we define each of the products
when we first start up. This way we know what products the customer
has access to.
hasRun = getCookie('hasRunCookie');//get the has run cookie from before, or at least try to
hasRun = 0;
//if (hasRun != 1){ //only run this the first time, otherwise we dont need to.
if(hasRun != 1){
hasRun = 1;
createCookie('hasRunCookie', hasRun);
var dataList = []; //array for holding the raw data
var nameList = [];
var priceList = [];
var amountList = []; //lists for temporrily holding data before it is put in the
product list's product objects.
var set1 = 0; //allows differentiating between different values in the raw data
var productIds = 0; //product ID to differentiate between products easily
$.get('../productdata.txt', function(data) { //the text file product data
contains all the product infomation so that it can be changed at a moments notice.
//var fileDom = $(data);
dataList = data.split("\n");
$.each(dataList, function(n, elem) {
$('#myid').append('<div>' + elem + '</div>');
var i;
for (i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) { //this gets the infomation from the text
file and loads it into the products
if (set1 == 0){
set1 = 1;
else if (set1 == 1){
set1 = 0;
while(productIds != 8){ //make the products, programing counting always starts at
0, so 8 is actually the 9th number.
var productObject = {productID: productIds, productName: nameList[productIds],
productPrice: priceList[productIds], purchasedAmount:0};
productList.push(productObject); //put each product into the product list.
productIds += 1;
var json_str = JSON.stringify(productList); //bottle and store our list of products
createCookie('ProductListCookie', json_str);
Here is the code used to load the cookie and display a products price in the relevant product page:function GetProductPrice(productIdz){
var json_str = getCookie('hasRunCookie');
productList = JSON.parse(json_str);
for (i = 0; i < productList.length; i++) {
if(productList[i].productID == productIdz){
productHolder = productList[i];
document.getElementById("price").innerHTML = productHolder.productPrice;
sorry if my commenting has offended you.from Issue with storing and recalling cookies Javascript
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