Here is what I am thinking. I want to get user location using GPS. Instead of sending current position I want to calculate square km or meter.
In above image the red dot is my position and I need to get the whole area in red rectangle. Get that store that in database. I looked into the Polygon area formulas but that requires several vertices, with geolocation I only get longitude and latitude just two coordinates. How am I gonna do that using these two points?
I found a solution here but this solution is keep tracking user's current location and in
This works perfectly fine for my second scenario but first I do not want to track user's location at first. First I simple get current user location(longitude and latitude), calculate the area from that and send it to server. Now I am not sure how am I going to achieve that. Any help?
from How to get square meter or square km using in html5 / ionic
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As you can see in figure above, my current position but I want to calculate the whole area around that in HTML5 or Ionic would be more preferred.Update
In above image the red dot is my position and I need to get the whole area in red rectangle. Get that store that in database. I looked into the Polygon area formulas but that requires several vertices, with geolocation I only get longitude and latitude just two coordinates. How am I gonna do that using these two points?
I found a solution here but this solution is keep tracking user's current location and in
function the formula uses both current location (longitude and latitude) and tracking location(longitude and latitude) i.e. Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + Math.cos(lat1.toRad()) * Math.cos(lat2.toRad()) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2);
This works perfectly fine for my second scenario but first I do not want to track user's location at first. First I simple get current user location(longitude and latitude), calculate the area from that and send it to server. Now I am not sure how am I going to achieve that. Any help?
from How to get square meter or square km using in html5 / ionic
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