Friday, 29 June 2018

Dugite/isomorphic-git in electron behind a proxy

I'm writing an electron app that has to clone and pull repositories every once in a while and it works well. However, it fails behind a corporate authenticated (basic or digest) proxy. As I understand electron can faciliate the Chromium proxy features but dugite, the git library I'm using, is running in the main process and tries to connect directly to the git repository. Is there some way I can use the proxy for dugite?

EDIT: I did some additional research and figured out that node doesn't handle proxy connections for you. Proxy settings are only honoured if they are faciliated inside the renderer view and only if they use the browser window's methods like fetch. Therefore I also tried isomorphic-git as a dugite replacement in the renderer process but that - for some unknown reason - didn't work either.

Accepted solutions must be code that can be handled inside the electron app.

from Dugite/isomorphic-git in electron behind a proxy

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