Tuesday, 29 May 2018

sequence matching algorithm in python

I have a list of sentences such as this:

errList = [ 'Ragu ate lunch but didnt have Water for drinks',
            'Rams ate lunch but didnt have Gatorade for drinks',
            'Saya ate lunch but didnt have :water for drinks',
            'Raghu ate lunch but didnt have water for drinks',
            'Hanu ate lunch but didnt have -water for drinks',
            'Wayu ate lunch but didnt have water for drinks',
            'Viru ate lunch but didnt have .water 4or drinks',

            'kk ate lunch & icecream but did have Water for drinks',
            'M ate lunch &and icecream but did have Gatorade for drinks',
            'Parker ate lunch icecream but didnt have :water for drinks',
            'Sassy ate lunch and icecream but didnt have water for drinks',
            'John ate lunch and icecream but didnt have -water for drinks',
            'Pokey ate lunch and icecream but didnt have Water for drinks',
            'Laila ate lunch and icecream but did have water 4or drinks',

I want to find out count of longest phrases/part of sentences in each element of list? In following example, output will look closer to this (longest phrase as key and count as value):

{ 'ate lunch but didnt have': 7,
  'water for drinks': 7,
  'ate lunch and icecream': 4,
  'didnt have water': 3,
  'didnt have Water': 2    # case sensitives

Using re module is out of question since problem is close to sequence matching or perhaps using nltk or perhaps scikit-learn ? I have some familiarity with NLP and scikit but not enough to solve this? If I solve this, I will publish it here.

from sequence matching algorithm in python

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