Sunday 7 March 2021

Material Card content overrunning icon bar

I am using Material UI cards. I have an icon bar at the bottom of each card. The media in the card is overrunning the icon bar as shown in the image here:

enter image description here

Here is the code where I put together the components:

return (
  <Card className={classes.card} >
        <Avatar aria-label={authorAvatar} src={authorImg} className={classes.avatar}/>
        <Fieldset className={}>
        <Link to={userUrl}>
      <CardContent >
        <div className={classes.content} dangerouslySetInnerHTML=></div>
    <CardActions className={classes.actions} >
        className={classnames(classes.unliked, {
          [classes.liked]: this.state.liked,
        aria-label="Add to favorites"
        <FavoriteIcon />

Here are the classes:

const styles = theme => ({
  card: {
    marginTop: 20,
    sizing, maxHeight: 600,
  content: {
    height: 50,
    marginBottom: 100,
    //paddingTop: '56.25%', // 16:9
    //sizing, maxHeight: 50,
  actions: {
    marginTop: 20,
    display: 'flex',

How do I get these things to work nicely, where the content stops before the icon bar with an adjustable margin?

from Material Card content overrunning icon bar

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