Tuesday 9 March 2021

AppCompat DayNight theme log fills with "ResourceType For resource entry index is beyond type entryCount"

My android app is filling up the logs with messages like this (making logcat almost useless):

W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f1001b5, entry index(437) is beyond type entryCount(157)

The resource ID changes from line to line, as well as the index and entryCount numbers.

This issue only happens on release builds. I know it happens on Android 7.0, 7.1, and 8.0. I have seen some logcats from Android 10 where I do not have the issue.

My app targets sdk 30, with minSdk 24. I have multiDexEnabled true. Compile with Java 8 (1.8). Written 100% in Kotlin.

There are some similar questions, without any answers that work for me, here, and here, and here

I tried aapt dump --values resources myAPK.apk > c:\my-res.txt mentioned in one of the answers which gives me enough info that I can see it has to do with theme I'm using, which is Theme.AppCompat.DayNight.NoActionBar

I already set vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true in gradle

I don't know where to look or what to try from here.

Any pointers on how I might be able to fix it so I don't get those entries in my log?

from AppCompat DayNight theme log fills with "ResourceType For resource entry index is beyond type entryCount"

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